Shaykh Abu Abdissalam
Sheikh Abu Abdissalam was born in the Central English Town of Coventry and was raised in London. Graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in London, his zeal for knowledge led him to give up a subsequently lucrative career in the computer industry to join Dar Al-Hadith AlKhayriyyah in the blessed city of Makkah where he obtained a degree in Islamic Studies, specialising in Hadith and its sciences.
During his time there, he has studied under many of the prominent scholars of our time.
In the course of his studies, he has acquired Ijazas for all of the six major books of Hadith (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Nasai and Ibn Maajah). In addition, he also has Ijazas for the Sharh of 'Aqidah of Tahawiyyah of Ibn Abd al-Izz al-Hanafi, Sheikh Muhammad Amin al-Harari's Sharh of the Muqadimmah of Muslim and Nuzhat al-Nazr Sharh Nukhbat al-Fikr of Ibn Hajar.